
QFun Theatre 和中法纵横联合制作的戏剧作品《镜花缘》改编自清代作家李汝珍的同名长篇小说。该剧故事以主人公寻找失落在凡间的十二朵花为线索,开启了一段奇幻的海上之旅,一次通向未知世界的征程。在面具与偶建构的充满诗意和想象的世界中,QFun Theatre 的小演员们将以主人公唐小山的视角引领观众邂逅一个又一个奇异的国家:黑齿国,小人国,双面国,豕喙国……,一切都以意想不到的方式发生,如同走进一幅幅鲜活的图景,又宛如游走在现实与梦境的边界 




The drama "Flowers in the Mirror", co-produced by QFun Theatre and Sino-French Zongheng, is adapted from the novel of the same name by the writer Li Ruzhen of the Qing Dynasty. The story of the drama, taking the protagonist's search for twelve flowers lost in the secular world as a clue, presents a fantastic sea journey, a journey to an unknown world. In the poetic and imaginative world constructed by masks and puppets, the young actors of QFun Theatre will lead the audience to see many strange countries from the perspective of the protagonist Tang Xiaoshan, such as the Black Teeth Kingdom, Lilliput, Double-faced Kingdom, and Helohyus Kingdom. Everything happens in unexpected ways, like walking into a vivid picture, and like walking on the boundary between reality and dream.

Artists from China and France enable the bold colors of the West and the introverted ink tones of Chinese style echo on the stage, making the flexible and changeable stage space like an endless road leading to every exotic country. In "Flowers in the Mirror", these seemingly bizarre kingdoms and their inhabitants are like a mirror reflecting the current world and the limitations of all living beings in it. Perhaps after this journey in the theater, we will look at everything around us from a new perspective.

The performance "Flowers in the Mirror", co-produced by China and France, is not only a Sino-French cultural dialogue, but also an equal exchange between the adult world and the children's world and a practical exploration of children's drama education.



2022年9月4日 16:13